Get Lincked In!
Welcome to Mr. Lincke's website. Here you can check your marks (see button at top of page) which I will try to update on a regular basis.
I will be teaching English 12, English 11, Humanities 10, English 11/12 (for International Students) and ELL Level 4 this year. To check your marks, simply enter a student's last name as User Name, and the student's birth date (MMMDDYY) as the Password.
Here is a library link that will put you in touch with all the library books and databases available in our library.
Welcome to Mr. Lincke's website. Here you can check your marks (see button at top of page) which I will try to update on a regular basis.
I will be teaching English 12, English 11, Humanities 10, English 11/12 (for International Students) and ELL Level 4 this year. To check your marks, simply enter a student's last name as User Name, and the student's birth date (MMMDDYY) as the Password.
Here is a library link that will put you in touch with all the library books and databases available in our library.